Welcome Home Veterans

These pages were last updated on 03/03/2025 




Air Force

Coast Guard

Suicide Prevention Help Line => 988 then press 1




Attention All Veterans


Polk County Veterans Service Officer
is located at 75 Carmel Lane, Columbus NC.

Please phone for an appointment at 828-894-0003, as this is a single person office.

Otherwise you may have to wait till the service officer has finished with the current vet.


Honoring repatriated Vietnam War Air Force pilot:
 ‘This is what we do’.

Link with video of burial in NC on Tuesday.

Please watch the video on this link:



Special Information for in home care.
For those that have a love one that is having trouble living in the home, this document will help you get the care assistance for them that they need.  It also will show you how to spot some the minor problems BEFORE it becomes a major trouble for both you and your love one.

Please down load this document and read it carefully.
Click HERE.



Follow us on FACE BOOK

The following are the Face Book Pages for the various Veterans Groups
that are found in Polk County NC. You can connect to all of the pages
and follow all of the veterans activities in Polk County NC and Landrum SC.  Or you may visit their web pages found further down on this page for more detailed information.

For VFW Post 9116 in Columbus NC

For the Veterans Memorial Park in Columbus NC

The Polk County NC Memorial Honor Guard

The American Legion Post 250, Tryon NC

Below you will find the actual web pages for various post
that you may go to and see what they have to offer you,
and maybe join in and become a member that post.



The Two Active Military Service Posts in Polk County NC


Please visit the Veterans Museum in Brevard NC.
This video is well worth the watch and enjoy.
The Museum Created this video.
Click Here to start the video.


Arlington Nation Cemetery


The Very First Vietnam Veterans
National Memorial

Constructed between 1968 ~ 1971
Started During  the 1968 TET Offensive.
Angel Fire    New Mexico
A 35 minute video.

Click here to view the history and the video



History of Bryant Homer Womack.
Polk County's only Medal of Honor Recipient
during the Korean War Conflict.
Includes a special video history and tribute.

To the Womack P


Do you wish to purchase a Veterans Brick for inclusion in the Veterans Park? 
Here is how to do it.

This is how the bricks will look.
The Veterans Brick, as shown in the above sample photo, will include your Veteran's Name, Rank, Branch of Service, and Years Served in the Military. These bricks will be installed in an area of the park where they should not be walked on by the public.
For an application to order a Veterans Park Brick please Click Here.

Please complete this form and return it, along with your check, to the Town of Columbus NC. or you may give it to any officer of the American Legion.


NC & SC Locations ~ A 501(c)(3) Group

Participants include First Responders, Frontline Workers
Caregivers, Veterans and Wounded Warriors.

Please visit their web page and see how this group might be able to help you.
Additional information may be found on their web page.


Web site click here : guidingreins.org

The Veterans Park
Columbus, North Carolina

Below are pictures of the various festivities
at the Veterans Park and the Parades
plus history of the Veterans Park
in Columbus, NC.

2002 History of the Veterans Park
This is from the Tryon Daily Bulletin - Nov. 8, 2002
- in a scanned PDF format.

2002 History of the Polk County Veterans
This was a listing of all of the Veterans
that were living in this area during this time.
From the Tryon Daily Bulletin
A Special Veterans Pullout Section - Nov. 8, 2002
- in a scanned PDF format.

2011 ~ Festivities at the Veterans Park
 and the Dedication of the House of Flags

2012 ~ Festivities at the Veterans Park

2013 ~ Veterans Day Parade

2015 ~ Veterans Day Parade

2016 ~ A Eagle Scout Project to put a roof
 on the Pavilion at the Veterans Park.

2016 ~ Veterans Day Parade

2017 ~  Veterans Day Parade
and a Presentation in Columbus, NC

2019 ~ Memorial Day at the Veterans Park

2019 ~ Dedication of the Charters Of Freedom
at the Veterans Park in Columbus, NC

2019 ~ Veterans Day Parade in Columbus, NC
Plus photos at the Veterans Park and Saluda, NC

2020 ~ The Veterans Park War Memorials
showing the progress that has been made to date.
This page has been updated on 6-30-21.

2020 ~ Veterans Day showing activities in both
Polk County NC Veterans Park and Saluda NC

2021  ~ Veterans Day Parade in Columbus NC

2021 ~ Honor Guard Firing Salute and Taps
at the Veterans Memorial Park. 
Sorry for the fuzzy picture but it was poring down
rain the whole time this took place.
To view the video click on the Face Book link:
Honor Guard Salute

2022 ~ Veterans Day in Columbus and Saluda NC.



Polk County Memorial Honor Guard

Pictures of the Polk County Memorial Honor Guard plus
requirements to become a member of the Honor Guard.
Their Web Site:
Polk County Memorial Honor Guard

Polk County Honor Guard had a little help from the Patriot Riders when they were at Black Mountain NC State Veterans Cemetery.

Flag Pole is finally installed in front of the
American Legion Post 250, Tryon, NC


Full information may be found here
on the BINGO page - please click here.

Bingo is played at both of these locations:

==> VFW Post in Mill Springs NC on Thursday Night
==> American Legion Post 250 in Tryon NC on Friday Night

Food is available at both locations

These are all of the various Veterans Posts located through out this area.
American Legion National
 Web Page
V.F.W. National Headquarters
Web Page
NC State American Legion HQ
Web Page
NC State V.F.W HQ.
Web Page
The American Legion is open to ANY Veteran that has served in any branch of the military and has a honorable discharge.  The Legion offers assistance and / or guidance to any Veteran in need or has to deal with the VA. The V.F.W. page has a list of military awards / ribbons that will indicate if you qualify for membership.  Please click on any link below and check to see if you  have earned one of the awards / ribbons. Please keep in mind that these are all combat zones in all years.

Post #9116

Polk County, NC

Please note that these two Post have merged into a single post and now meet in Mill Springs NC.  Full details on the link to their web page.

Post #4873
Landrum, SC

Post #4873 was merged with
Post #11252 in Chesnee SC in the Spring of 2012.

This site has been archived
for its history.

DAV National Headquarters

D.A.V. Chapter is located in Hendersonville NC.

Please Note: The Asheville DAV Chapter #2 has been merged with the Hendersonville Chapter #14.

The DAV Chapter #14 in Hendersonville has a Facebook page that is currently under construction at this time. Will update this information here when I receive it from their Post.

NC State V.V.A. HQ

V.V.A. Chapter #1049
Spartanburg SC

The contact person for this post currently is Larry Miller at 864-663-9482. This post holds their meeting on the 2nd Saturday at 0830 hrs. at the American Legion in Spartanburg SC.  This meeting includes a breakfast with a RSVP required. There is No Web Page at this time but they have a face book page only. Contact via email is via vvachapter1049@yahoo.com.

 V.V.A. Chapter #124
Asheville NC

This chapter meets at the Charles George VA Hospital in the multi purpose room in the basement level of the VA Hospital at 1800 hrs. The meeting are normally held on the 3rd Tuesday each month. No web page at this time.

I have no current contact information at this time.


KWVA Chapter 314

Korean War / Korean Defense Ribbons

The Korean war was over in 1954 but the Current USA Military Korean Defense is still on going and it does not have an end date yet insight. 

IF you were stationed at any time in South Korea as PCS for 30 days or more then you are qualified to have this Korean Defense Ribbon    and thus you are eligible for being a member of this veterans group.

Please note that this ribbon - center above - is a Expeditionary Ribbon    issued to all Korean Veterans of the actual Korean War. Later on this was changed to the new ribbon
which is now the official ribbon for this war.

Korean War Veterans Association, Chapter 314 of Western North Carolina, Upstate South Carolina, and Eastern Tennessee.

To become a member of this Korean Veterans Association please go to this link and fill out the form on-line then either submit it on-line or mail, with your check to the address provided. 

This is the main KWVA National Headquarters website.

Application to Join the KWVA
Hendersonville Chapter 314 Web Page

Hendersonville Chapter 314 Facebook Page

Remember that "Freedom is Not Free"

A Video made by some of the
 "Korean War Veterans in Their Own Words watch it here ==> http://youtu.be/tOAmfvMbxUg

Our new military branch of service!

For those that want to know what the "SPACE FORCE" is all about then take a few minutes and watch the U-Tube Video on this subject. It should answer most all of your questions. Click on the link below.

==> Space Force

The History of TAPs

This is quite a telling story from the Civil War Era when this music was composed. This also includes the words to the song which most people do not know exist.

The House of Flags
located in Columbus, North Carolina

This museum display more than 300 flags that represent
our country from its earliest days through today.
For more information and / or to schedule group tours contact them at:
www.houseofflags.org or call 828-894-5640 for more information.

The Above and Beyond Memorial

58,000+ Dog Tags for KIA's / MIA's hang from the roof.
The National Veterans Art Museum of Chicago, IL.

Vietnam Era ROMAD / FAC / TAC-P / J-TAC  Web Page
The Forward Air Controllers and Radio Operators in the Vietnam War Era.

693rd Radar Squadron (AC&W ~ ADC)
Home Land Defense ~ Dauphin Island AL

Below are some useful resource links for those Veterans that need this information.
Veterans Resources

What is a Typical Recruit

A Tribute To Our Troops
and a prayer for them. 

What Is A Vet 

Wife Of A Vet 

A Bit Of History

Just take a moment. Have you ever wondered what happened
to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? 

Lest we forget the

To Look Up A Loved Ones' Name And / Or
The Name Placement On The Vietnam Memorial Wall
Please visit this link:  http://thewall-usa.com/


This link will take you to the National Parks
Information Center for the Vietnam Wall National Memorial.


The Wall's Stories and links
