Thermal Belt
Amateur Radio Pages
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The Gray Line
To learn more about this program simply
click on this graphic above for more details.
By the way this graphic updated
anytime that you reload it.
Above is the moving gray line program.
Click here for the Manual on how to use and understand what this is all about.
>>> Click here for the Actual Gray
Line Program
The Polk County Amateur Radio site has been on line since 1996. This is a
general Amateur Radio page for all HAMs in this area. This page is
independent of the TBARC.ORG site and as such we include more
information that HAMs are interested in. Thus we are trying
to cover a lot of topics of interest to all HAM radio operators. We also
including information about the Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club located here in
the Polk County and Landrum SC area. The official Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club page (TBARC) is located at this address >>> TBARC.ORG << and includes all of the most current happening in the TBARC club. Please feel free to browse through their website as well as this web site. There is a lot of good information that can be found in both web sites. A TBARC Facebook page is in the process of being setup now. We will include more formation on this page shortly and we will provide you with the link to it as well.. Win-link will have a Facebook page and is scheduled to be included when an administrator who would be willing to tackle it is found! GMRS is scheduled to be included as a repeater. It is scheduled to be put on line in the near future. This will be on a Facebook page as well. Skywarn and WARNS is scheduled to have a Facebook page as well. This will cover both SC and the Western NC area. This is being linked to the Greenville / Spartanburg Airport Weather service and also will operate through out SC. Again we will link to it here once it is up and running. The DMR page is currently well under construction as well. The administrator is hoping to have it active by the middle of August. This will assist you in using the DMR Repeater that is currently being installed at the KF4JVI repeater site. TBARC will have a local DMR Code Plug available for most of the more common radios that are found in this area. If you cannot find a code plug that will work for your radio then a TBARC Club member will be a good place to start. Remember that each of the Facebook pages will have a separate administrator. They will control their respective Facebook page. The Facebook page is setup and maintained independently from the club page. The administrators are very knowledgeable in their respective fields and have a lot of knowledge to pass on to you. All you need to do is ask via your post to the Facebook page or through their contact email address then if all else fails then come to the TBARC Club Meeting and someone will gladly help you out.. TBARC has a monthly meeting on the last Thursday evening starting at around 1900 hours at the American Legion Post 250 Hall in Tryon NC. This meeting is open to anyone and everyone that has or would like to have additional information about HAM radio. Please consider coming to the meeting and ask your questions as that is the only way you will ever learn what this hobby is all about. |
TBARC Meetings and TBARC meetings are held once a month on the last Thursday of the month. The meetings start around 6:00 PM and concludes about 8:00 PM. After the meeting there is additional time set aside for any Q&A that you might wish to get answered. There is usually a show and tell time slot to give you some ideas that you can play with. Got problems with your radio? - bring it with you and we will help you with it. Need to learn how to properly talk on the radio and how to use a microphone then this is where you will learn how to do that.
TBARC meetings are held at the
American Legion Post 250 Hall in Tryon NC on 43 Depot Street.
The American Legion is located at
the following GPS location:
OR should you know
the Tryon area then at the
Tryon Horse parked at the corner of Pacolet and US-176/Trade Street stop
light, simply cross over the RR tracks and take the FIRST right down by the railroad
station. This will be DEPOT STREET and then park anywhere. The meeting takes
place in the big blue building on your left. Head for the double gray doors
and come on in and find a place to sit. |
All club meetings and special announcements are made on the Monday
Night Net at 1930 hours. TBARC Officers are: A new set of officers have been elect and once they are sworn in this list will be updated. Check back end of December for the new list. How to obtain an HAM Radio License of any level please follow these instructions on this link. Rules have change and a new Fee Schedule applies to get your license. The license is good for 10 years then you have to renew it. Click on this link to
go to the testing
TBARC Membership! If you wish to join the Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club - please fill out the membership form and mail it to the club with your dues or simply bring it to a meeting and save the postage stamp!Click here for the TBARC Membership Application Our mailing address is: Our email address is :
DMR is now fully 100% functional at this time. It
is up and running but has some flaws in the programing that need to be
tweaked. This is being addressed at this time. A better antenna will be
installed shortly which will help with the signal coverage for this area.
TBARC Is An ARRL Affiliated Club TBARC is in the ARRL Roanoke Division which includes among other states N.C. & S.C. Please visit the ARRL section on this link at: for more detailed information.
Material is available on the net for learning how to become a HAM Radio Operator and be able to pass the simple test to get your first license. There are both free study guides as well as books published by various sources that will guide you through the process of study. We recommend the free guide on the link below. Sample test are free and on line as well. We can also assist you in learning of the study material if you join in one of our zoom meeting and ask your questions. We have study manuals that we loan out to those that would like to get their license. Come to the meeting to make arrangements or email us and we will try to have a manual at the next meeting for you.
We offer classes as well as selfstudy courses. We preform on site testing any time that anyone flees ready to take the FCC test. Classes are held at the Legion Hall or in other specified area and will be announced by the instructor ahead of the start of the classes. If the class puts the time in then you can obtain you Tech Licence in 1 weeks time. Some have been able to get their license in 3 days or less. Its how fast you want learn. Study Material that
are available on the net: TBARC has study manuals available to check out. Please come to a meeting and sign up for the study material. Or you may email the club for additional information. Your choice! Ready for a little history of the The Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club has been
serving Polk County for over 38 years. We meet on the air (via radio)
weekly on Monday night. This is called a net,
held each Monday night at 7:30 PM on
the club’s repeater found on the frequency of 145.330(-) MHz
with a PL Tone of 91.5 Hz.
This radio net gives radio operators experience in using
their radio equipment in the case of any emergency and learning how to
talk on the radio since a lot of new hams have never used a radio
microphone before.. It is fun to learn from supportive Ham's who will mentor you in the proper procedures, and provide you with instructions in the operation of and how the various HAM radios work. We can assist you in programing your 2 meter radio with the proper repeater frequency's for this area. Also, we can assist you in APRS if you travel. If you want to learn how to become a HAM radio operator, then please come to one of our meetings and meet the members who will be more than happy to help you in obtaining your HAM license or ticket. Currently you may contact Chad Hightower
KO4NUE - more information
and or assistance by email at :
About Police Scanners and their frequencies. This is a link to a listing of most all of the scanner frequencies for Polk County and the Landrum area. This also includes Western NC and SC as well. I suggest that you print it out and remember that it will be about 6 pages long. Also the police 10 codes for both NC and SC are included as well. If you have any additional frequency's to be added then please email full information to us. Polk County NC has now switch from analog to digital and that now makes all older scanners obsolete. SC is currently using the P-25 Motorola system and NC is using several systems including the Viper System. The two systems are not compatible between states and will not talk to each other. So there will be problems when SC has to assist NC or visa versa. For a private citizen to hear the police / fire calls now that this change over has happen then you will now need a special scanner and they are high dollar radios. Scanners for the digital radio receive can be obtained from either or The bearcats scanners are considered to be one of the best available. Both companies will be able to assist you in making a decision on your purchase. There is programing required so that they will do trunk tracking or all you will hear will be hear bits and pieces of the call. These companies can also do general programing for your area that you would like to listen to. Just ask the reprehensive to assist you in that part of your purchase.
Scanner Frequency Listing << |
<<-- |
HAMFest Schedule Definition of a Ham Fest for our visitors.
No ham fest are scheduled at this time in this area.
The South Carolina Single Sideband Net Join us nightly on 3.915 MHz at 1900 hours local time. For more information please contact the SC SSB Group at: Yes, we do have members all over North Carolina that do handle NC traffic as well. This NET is not just for South Carolina but rather the South Eastern USA. |
Bicycle Event that TBARC provides radio support for.
The Assaults
This is a ONE DAY EVENT! Event is scheduled for >>> Monday, 20 May 2024 <<< This event is held on
participates in the Assaults on Mt. Mitchell and the Assault on
Marion - which are a combined bicycle tour. These tours takes place normally near the end of
the month of May each year ~ per the National and State Park
Services scheduling. See above for the date schedule for this
year. The TBARC provide emergency radio
communications while the riders are riding through Polk County
The Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club provides the remainder of the
HAMS require for this event. If you would like additional
information on
The Assaults
History ~ click here. If you would like to read up on the progress
of the Assaults for this year and see what is happening then go
to the
Spartanburg Freewheelers Website
~ click here.
You may listen on your scanner or on a 2 meter radio to the event on one of these frequencies: 147.285 in Polk County and 145.190 on the Mt. Mitchell Repeater. The first of these frequencies are used by the TBARC members and we cover from SC / NC State Line to Bills Creek Road at US-74 in Rutherford County NC near Lake Lure NC. This includes all of Polk County. When the last rider clears Polk County we then terminate our net and it is then transferred over to the Mt. Mitchell Net Control found on the Mt. Mitchell Repeater. The Mt. Mitchell repeater comes under net control and it is active all day starting at about 7:00 AM and continues well into the evening controlling and relaying bicycle traffic and emergencies. The Mitchell Net Control is located at the Tom Johnson Camp Ground in Marion NC with a sub net on top of Mt. Mitchell operating in Simplex Mode Only via HT's. |
Repeater KF4JVI
Thermal Belt Amateur Radio Club Two Meter Net is held on each Monday starting at 7:30 pm (1930 Hrs). All area Hams are invited to join in. Also anyone can listen to this net on a HAM radio, Short Wave radio or Scanner. If you are just monitoring then the PL Tone and the (-) offset is not required. Just use the 145.330 frequency only.
The KF4JVI Repeater is an open
repeater. This means that any license amateur may use the repeater. This repeater has almost a blanket coverage of all of Polk County
NC and covers most of Rutherford County as well. We have a reach to well below Spartanburg SC and over towards Gastonia
NC. The coverage towards north Greenville SC is spotty due to Hogback Mountain. Motor
Mile or the Laurens Highway is the basic line after which moving North and
West you will loose access to
the repeater until you get up to the top of the mountains near Hendersonville NC.
If heading South West you will be doing what is called Hill Topping to get
into the repeater. Going on
towards the North West
and the Asheville area via I-26 you will be solid till the Asheville Airport exit. Then you will drop down
into the French Broad River Basin. You will be
hill toping beyond that point. We have very little coverage in the town of
Lake Lure and North into Hickory Nut Gorge unless you can get high enough
to connect to the repeater. |
Why radio
amateurs are called "HAMs" Have you ever
wondered why radio amateurs are called "HAMS?" Well, it goes like
this: The word "HAM" as applied to 1908 was the station CALL of the
first amateur wireless stations operated by some amateurs of the
Harvard Radio Club. They were ALBERT S. HYMAN, BOB
Broadcasting and its History. This is a well written paper on
the history of the radio broad casting from the early 20th Century
Lots of great information and how this got started and how it progressed
thru time to what it is today. ARRL North Carolina section
QRZ Call Sign Lookup
Western North Carolina Amateur Radio Club.
Elecraft HF QRP / 100w all mode
The Wireman QSL . NET
Amateur Radio Clubs in this area Spartanburg SC, Amateur Radio Club Hendersonville NC, Amateur Radio Club
NC, Amateur Radio Club Greenville
, SC Amateur Radio Club Gastonia, NC Amateur Radio Club Good links to information and programs to
make operating Antennas and how to make them. A lot of excellent information on this topic.
Free Newsletters INFO
DX Spotting Sites INFO
Contest Logging program (Free)
Contest Calandars INFO
Good DX news letters for pay ~ not free, oh
well, can't have it all for free!
HF Military Radio from the MRC-108 ROMAD Jeep used in the Vietnam War. Good DX news letters for pay ~ not free, oh well,
can't have it all for free! Meeting People with
/ on HAM Radio. Morse Code source with lots of good
stuff HF Military Radio from the MRC-108
ROMAD Jeep used in the Vietnam War. |
Most HAM software is / has been written for the PC Computers. You will find that some programs have been reworked for use on the Apple Computers as well but not always the way you expect them to operate. For those that do not want to use either of these system then there is the Linux "Mint" system that is very popular in Europe. It is recommended that you use only the Mint version since it works almost the same as that of the Windows system. Most of the programs are being ported or redone to use this system. It just requires you to do a little research for the new version of the program. There is a little bit of a learning curve but it is still very easy to master this system plus it is FREE for the taking. You will find that you can operate the Mint system on older computers with very little RAM and with very small Hard Drives. |
![]() History and Development of the Morse Code Plus a little bit of History ! History of Communication Through Morse Code