The New Pavilion Roof
at the Veterans Plaza
in Columbus, North Carolina, USA
Nathaniel Watkins has selected for
his project to earn his Eagle Rank in the Boy Scouts of America to build a shed or roof over the stage area in the Veterans park in Columbus, NC. Upon gaining permission from all of the necessary government officials and offices, he was granted the permission to proceed. He received $500. from the Town of Columbus, $500 from the Polk County Board of Commissioners and $500 from private donors. He finally received the final $1500 and the work was then begun. Nathaniel is a graduate of the Polk County Early College and worked for Bonnie Brae Veterinary Hospital. He currently goes to Lees-McRae College to study wildlife rehabilitation. In order for Nathaniel to become an Eagle Scout, he must do the following to decide on a project, then create a concept for it, submit it for approvall by the governing board of the Boy Scouts of Americadesign, layout and then complete his project. This is a mouth full of requirements but all of these requirements must be met. The pavilion covers the original concrete slab which serves as a stage for the Veterans Park. Now the town or anyone else who wishes to use the pavilion will no longer have to rent a tent for their music presentations nor will the other activities be required to find and or rent a tent cover. As you can see in these pictures the project has turned out to be a really nice addition to the Veterans Park and is greatly appreciated by all. Our congratulations go out to Nathaniel Watkins for earning his most coveted prize in life - his Eagle Badge - from the Boy Scouts of America ! |